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I Live By Simply This, My Recipe For Success:
Take time to Meditate, to calm the mind so you can look deep into yourself and see what it is you truly desire most. Focus on that goal, and visualize yourself doing it, succeeding at it.
Now, you have a mental image, you are back to your conscious state of being, so, make the conscious decision to Dedicate yourself to this goal in mind, by dedicating your whole self.  You are making a personal commitment to achieve this goal, and that you will do anything to achieve it.  You will not let yourself down.
Now that you are dedicated yourself 110%, you can most definitely  Dominate this goal, putting all you got into it, making your thoughts, your reality.
How does it feel? You are proud of yourself, you are satisfied with yourself, you are confident, and a delight to be around sending off positive energy attracting everything and everyone you want. You did it! You Can Succeed!
Now continue the cycle.


​Remember, we are all Human!

Kayla Rose June 5, 2013​


   "Our culture's entire value system is firmly based on the belief that the rational principle is superior, and, in fact, constitutes the highest truth. We are taught from a young age to try to be reasonable, logical, and consistent, to avoid emotional, irrational behavior, and to suppress our feelings. At best, feelings and emotions are considered foolish weak,and bothersome. At best, we fear they may threaten the very fabric of civilized society." I got this from a book I recommend to everyone called "Living in the Light" by Shakti Gwain. I wanted to share this quick bit with you because it is SO true with society today. We try too hard to be something that we just are not. We compare ourselves to someone without knowing the full background. As for our emotions, we suppress them when really they should be expressed, or it could lead to illness.

     I recently had a girl who I had met from my competition who finally reached out to me in simply need of moral support from someone who had gone through what she experienced. I was very touched, but also proud that she was able to accept that she was not feeling right and face it wanting to do something about it rather than writing it off as if it was nothing. You can only push a problem away for so long until you break, and it's a million times worse than if you were to have dealt with it at first.

     Like I have stated before, fitness can be a long and lonely journey with yourself, because at the end of the day you are the only one to make choices and decisions for yourself. You are the holder of your destiny, but you do not have to BE alone. That is why there are millions of other people out there, we can all connect with someone, even if we feel we are on some other level that no one else can relate to.  Don't be afraid to reach out! If someone  gives you guff for you just expressing yourself, they are probably insecure themselves and their emotions and you are better off without finding someone who is supporting and uplifting. Why waste your time with someone who wants to bring you down or keep you at their level.

     We all have those times where we just lack the motivation, or just feel down in the dumps, and then we go scroll through our social media feed, whether it's Instagram, Pintrest, Facebook, etc. ,we see other's life through photographs; photos only show snippets of reality, sometimes making it seem one is living a luxurious and perfect life. As if they are robots and are perfect at all times. NO, of course people are only going to post the "good" times or the "good" moments. Nobody wants to show signs of weakness, although I admire the ones who do! Like the statement above, we are taught at a young age  to "act" a certain way, and to "feel" a certain way, and I think it is so wrong. That is what leads to depression or other disorders.

      Be yourself, do what you love, and surround yourself with people who support that! Stop comparing yourself to others, and embrace your weaknesses. Think about a world that everyone was perfect, that would be a very boring world!

​Post Bikini Competition, worse than Comp prep?!

Kayla Rose May 6, 2013​


   You  hear that the pre competition prep is hard both physically and mentally, that you have to be in a certain mind set to do it, right? Well do you ever hear about the difficulties post comp? I don't, or didn't when deciding to compete, I had a feeling it would be a bit difficult readjusting, but not nearly as difficult as when it actually came! Now I am not here to bash on comp prep, no, I just want others to be aware, and explain why I have been a bit MIA for the last couple weeks, after the competition.

      Not only did my body go through some hardship, but my mind definitly did as well. It was a minor setback for me, filled with binge eating and a slight bit of body dismorphia looking in the mirror! I am not trying to be that girl like "oh, i'm fat" but literally, after seeing a different body in the mirror (not a lot of curves, and difinition in every part of my body) but after the competiton, the curves comes back quicker than you have time to readjust, so it is a bit statling and shocking to say the least! After a few weeks, almost a month now, I have finally readjusted, but because of the binging I probably gained a bit more which I am kicking my ass in the gym to get to a happy place again, before I even started comp prep. That is where reality is, a happy and healthy place, where you are not depriving the body of nutrients!

     Not to mention (here's a bit of TMI for ya lol) because I was  lacking nutrients and fiber, I got so backed up for 2 WEEKS, yes constipated, had to use Fleet Enema 4 times, drank senna tea, use milk magnesia, stool softener, you name it, it was painful! My body, every inch of it, bloated when consuming regular foods again, to where it was always uncomfortable and a bit painful!

      Anyway, I had to readjust from comprep back to simply living a healthy lifesyle. It was hard on my body inthe sense that it was confused, I had to get my metabolism back to normal after being deprived for however many months. Like us all, we want to look lean and cut all day everyday, but to keep it real here, that's not realistic. You can stay lean, but not "that lean." So, on that note, with that setback, a bit frustrating yes, but tis reality. We are human! In the end, it truly was a great experience, and I am glad to have went through it, knowing that I could get my body to a certain point, and to show myself I had the self-discipline to get there!

      My body is always fluctuating, within 127 to 135, but it's totally normal for us! We shouldn't get too caught up with the numbers, but focus on how good we feel, and recognize how far we have come!

      Think about it like this...Like singers, when they sing live, most sound nothing like what the record label version soundsl like; whereas fitness models don't walk around at that body fat % all year like they do when they have a photo shoot, the editors may use phot0shop or when an individual steps on stage after dehydrating, using dieuretics, on fat burners, and starbing the body of nutrients!

      If you strive for that to be your reality, you will never be satisfied! Again, it is human nature to be our own worst critic, but dammit, give yourself a break, YOU are awesome!

​Do You Live In an Environment of Sabotage?

Kayla Rose March 7, 2013​


      Yes, it is always a choice when out in social situations or when dining out, but when it's at home, and your loved ones or dear friends are sabotaging you with your favorite foods, it can be a lot harder. If you are living alone, it might be a bit easier, considering you have no temptations, because you don't buy those items and none of the tempting foods are in your house right? But when you share a pantry and fridge with your family or room mates, those foods are just staring at you, calling your name. 
      Now, if you have the self-control to not even be tempted when it is in the house, what if it is being put in your face,  and the aroma of the food is teasing your senses. Someone in the house a constant threat.. This is the hardest part, but you have to have some kind of connection or motivation to why you SHOULD say No.  It's already hard enough driving down the street and watching commercials or even your own mind taunting you, but when it's in sight and the smells are there in front of your face it takes it to a whole new level or torture!
      Maybe this will help, because this is a HUGE issue for me. I try to tell myself things like,"Is it really worth it, after all this hard work i've put in?" or "A second on the lips, forever on the hips!" or "If I eat this, what good is going to come out of it afterwards?" or "If you give in, you are going to feel so guilty and disappointed after!"  or "One bad choice might lead to another, or even a binge!" The list goes on and on, but try to find mottos like these to repeat to yourself so that you won't lose control! It is so easy to give in, but really stop and think about what you're about to do, before you do it and are  then, regretting it after!

      Remember, by not tasting it, it is not going to kill you, it will only get you that much closer to where you want to be in your health and fitness goals and body! 

​Having Trouble Controlling Urges on a Strict Diet?

Kayla Rose February 7, 2013​


      I think we can all say that the hardest part with this lifestyle is to cut out our favorite foods...Right? I know that took a great amount of time for me to get a handle on my will power and self control. No matter if I was at home, or out in social situations, I couldn't seem to control my urges.  If it's in sight, it's in mind. I am a sucker for sweets and CARBS. Yes, I could down a whole loaf of bread in a heart beat,  and inhale a cheeseburger like it's air..and once that flavor is on my tongue, I would seem to go on a gorge day! I now, don't even think about fast food, and even if the thought crosses my mind like "oh it sounds so good to just have one piece," I acknowledge the thought for what it is, but let it pass , not acting on it. I weigh out the factors, and ask myself, is it really worth it?? Remember, "A second on the lips, forever on the hips!"

      I am here to report that these temptations and cravings CAN be controlled and will diminish over time if you start practicing now. I am also here to tell you that it is not easy. Oh no,  I won't sugar coat this issue, it is probably the hardest part, BUT the feeling you get after not giving into a craving is so great. You feel proud of yourself and it actually motivates you to keep making healthy choices. If you give in, it is the worst feeling, you feel disappointed in yourself leading to thinking "well I already ruined it for today so I might as well not care." NO even if you do make that one bad choice, continue on knowing that the rest of your choices will be healthy ones. It pays off in the long run; don't let one bad choice lead to a number of bad choices.

     What I finally told myself is that saying to myself, "If it were easy everyone would do it." and repeating that to myself, helped. Simply by knowing as I was making that choice to not give in to my craving, and I felt how freakin' hard it was, but I knew that a lot of people face this problem, that is why in America we have such a great problem with obesity. It is very hard to say no when that is all we see, on the tv during commercials, driving down the street, there are several fast food restaurants. It is hard, but it does get easier. Just like with anything else, practice makes perfect, so the more you say no, the easier it does get! 

      And don't say you'll start again tomorrow! Tomorrow Never comes. The time to start is NOW!  If it's not going to kill you by saying no, then just do it!

​Guilty for Often Using Vacation Time as an Excuse to Splurge?

Kayla Rose January 12, 2013​


      We all need our vacations and to just escape from reality sometimes, but then, some may forget that you do have to come back to reality once it's over. Once it's over, would you rather feel rejuvenated and cleansed, rather than regretful and just as groggy as before? People tend to use "being away from the routine and on Vacation" as an excuse to go crazy and do whatever they'd like, as if time isn't still ticking. It's like a green light in the mind that goes off, saying it's okay to gorge yourself with donuts and pizza, like it's not going to have the same effect on your body if you were in the home environment.

      Yes we should indulge a little in life, but not to these extremes. You can also splurge in other ways while still practicing self control so you don't go over board, and so it's not as hard to get back to the routine when you come back home. You don't want all your hard work you put in before the vacation to go down the drain just because a week off do you? You want to get right back to it and continue on with your success story!

      Another thing, is over the Holidays, Thanksgiving, to then Christmas, followed by New Years, I heard a lot of "Oh it's the holidays, I'll get back to the diet after." Or "Oh it doesn't count, it's Christmas!" Our old traditions of having these  unhealthy feasts on every holiday, are only getting worse and worse. Just because it is a tradition, doesn't mean it can't be broken! What's the worse that could happen, you'd actually be healthy without the feeling of regret on a Holiday for once? It is all a  mind set, that needs to be broken. People think that if the food is not greased and buttered up, it's not festive and they for some reason can't enjoy their holiday because of just that.

      Change the mind, and change the comfortable habits. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone! 

Give Yourself A Little Credit!!

Kayla Rose December 6, 2012


      People, you need to stop and smell the roses every once in a while! Take time to recognize the progress you have made! It is always good to strive for more, but if you are never happy or satisfied, you won't enjoy life and everything it has to offer! There is something in between your work and goals, and it is called Life. Live it to the fullest before it's too late. Who wants to live with regret and negative feelings? You want to be able to say "I did it" rather than "I wish  I would have done that."

      Be happy with what you are doing, even if it is something small, as long as it is in a forward progression. Slow down and look at how far you've come! Because things happen so slowly and subtle; it is hard to see changes.  When you are putting so much work into something and don't see change, you might get discouraged, lose motivation and want to just quit.. Try to remember the beginning of your journey, to the present; it is a great feeling to see the progress.

      We all have goals, what is life without something to look forward to right? The only thing is, people get stuck on looking into the future just wanting to get to the end, but then once they get to the end, they aren't as happy as they thought because life wasn't enjoyed during the process. Enjoy the journey, don't be in a rush, it is very important to Live In the Moment!

      When you take a deep breath and realize the great things life brings you, and the beauty there is to enjoy, your days will be enjoyable, time will actually go by faster, and then, once you finally get to your goal, it will feel amazing and you will feel 100% satisfied with no regrets. No thoughts that you wish you had done this, or wish you had done that. You did it all, you learned a lot, saw a lot, and most importantly, you lived a lot. 

Going Through A Tough Emotional Time?

Kayla Rose November 22, 2012


      Something on your mind, distracting you from being productive? Life happens, it is not always happy, and it seems when it rains, it pours! Everything goes wrong, like a domino effect. This then causes you to feel depressed, angry, or just down and out,  not wanting do anything. Well, even though the gym may sound like the last place you want to go, considering you don't even want to do anything, try and force yourself to just get down to the gym, or go outside to go on a run, maybe start off walking, whatever your preference. No one has ever "regretted" working out. 

      Take it out on the Gym! Exercise is the best therapy and works every time  The hardest part is the first step to get up and out. Once you're there, you'll feel unstoppable, walking away almost as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders.  Unlike depending on a person to be there, they won't always be there or will they want to listen. The weights won't talk back, won't give lousy advice, nor are they going anywhere..they are always there for you. You can't hurt them either, throw 'em down, go hit a punching bag. There is no holding back or having to restrict your emotions. 

      Exercise release natural endorphins, which is a much better outlet than any other drug.  Fitness is a great "addiction," if you're gonna be addicted to something, get hooked on the pump!  It is the most healthy way of getting the anger or sad feelings out.

Don't Like the Gym Environment?

Kayla Rose November 16, 2012


      Is one of the reasons why you don't regularly exercise or even at all because of the fact that you don't like the Gym? This shouldn't be stopping you, there are many other revenues you can take other than the gym. In fact, you are not alone, there are a lot of people that would rather do a home workout, or go off a home DVD (P90x/Insanity,etc.), or other things like mountain biking, hiking, running, even searching YouTube videos for workouts! The only thing that matters is that you stay active and get that heart accelerated for 30 minutes a day. Cardiovascular health is so crucial  for you, and you should not be writing it off for any reasons!

      I was one of those who had a gym membership for years, but refused to go because I hated the gym that much. Before I started going to the gym regularly , I was a big fan of P90x! Even before I could get my hands on that series I would do other things like home Dvd's (or VHS, remember those? LOL), but just to be doing something! 

      I have heard all the tricks in the book for excuses on why one can't workout..nope that's BS in my book, there are sooo many options, and so many modifications to personalize the right routine for you.  It is all a process of trial and error, find what is right for you, make it fun! It doesn't have to be a punishment, look at it as a reward that you have the capability to be able to even do these things, some people don't even have mobility. Take that into perspective next time you're complaining about being about to have motion and control over your body!


Have You Hit A Workout Plateau?

Kayla Rose November 16, 2012


      Oh, workout plateaus....Everybody has them sooner or later.The question is, are you strong enough to surpass it? Honestly, I have had many, I am in one right now, and it is the worst timing to come because it is right before my photo shoot  and this week is the most crucial time to be on top of your shit, dieting on point, training with barely any energy from cutting the carbs, ah I could go on, but the point of the matter is, that this is my decision that I consciously made for myself, and I am not going to half-ass it. I could not do that to myself. Because at the end of the week I know that I did not let myself down, and it will only make me stronger for the future. 

     I have heard before that if you are experiencing some sort of plateau, to take  a week or two off from the gym, to then come back and be totally pumped. NO NO NO, hell no. I have seen many times people doing just that and end up never coming back because they fell right back into their nasty habits, and lose all motivation they ever had! If you are experiencing fatigue, push through it, but maybe just have some laid back workouts not really pusing too hard because that could also turn you off ending up in hating working out. So come and just do 20 minutes, 10 minutes, whatever, any amount of time is better than nothing. The motivation will come back, just don't quit and constantly remind yourself why you started in the first place and what the outcome could be if you kept on going!

      When this time comes for you, when you are standing in front of the fridge, door wide open, scanning to see of all the possible foods you could scarf down in one second because you are so desperately craving your favorite food at that moment, think to yourself, "Why did I start in the first place, is it really worth it?" " Does it make me feel good after I eat it?" "By eating this, will I accomplish my goals of my dream body?" and my fav, "If I don't eat this, will I die?" Anything along those lines, because that is just being weak, and losing control. Yes it is hard as hell, but the feeling you get after controlling yourself and your urge, is far more powerful than feeling weak forever.

      This goes for those who are laying on the couch, watching tv, or those who are sitting on a chair in front of a computer, procrastinating because you "just don't feel like it today," get up, get off your ass, and go to the gym, or run, or whatever your routine is. Just go do it! The hardest part is the first step, but once you push through it, you will feel on top of the world with accomplishment, satisfaction, and most important, you will be proud of yourself. Now, if you are one to be sitting the chair in front of the comp, reading this, well, I can let that ONLY if by after reading this you go out and work your but off!!

Is Not Having A Gym Buddy Stopping You From Being Active?

Kayla Rose November 15, 2012


      Let's get one thing straight, ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" your answer better be, "I am doing this for myself, not for anyone or anything else." So, if you are doing this for yourself, why are you so dependent on having to have a partner? When you become dependent on someone else, and someone else's time, it is only a set up for failure and in most cases, it will not work out. I see this as just another excuse. Yes it is nice to have someone to help motivate and keep it fun, but when he/she can't make it one day or starts slacking, because you guys have been doing the whole routine together, you will most likely be affected by their influence and end up not following through as well. Trust me, I see this all the time.

      You have to be an independent person doing these sorts of things for yourself before you can can bring someone else into the picture, so if that were to happen, you would be strong enough to keep going despite their energy and influence.  Make it somewhat like a reward to have someone there with you when they are, and when they aren't you can still enjoy a nice workout to yourself, some "you time" is always important! I myself, have never had a consistent girl workout partner.

      It has been extremely hard to learn to say no in social situations when everyone else is piggin out on some junk food, or talks down on exercising. Most of the people around me are not into healthy living at all. For more than a year, I worked out by myself, and I can say it was the best thing for me, a great learning experience and to learn more about myself. Now as a strong individual, I can workout with my boyfriend, or if someone wants to come up to chat I will spare a few minutes.

      Also, some people take the gym as a place to go socialize at, it bugs the shit out of me. The gym is to work hard, sweat, groan, and look like a pig by the end! Don't let anything get in the way of getting a good workout in!


Scared to Lift Weights Thinking You'll Get Ripped? Think Again Ladies.

Kayla Rose November 13, 2012


      First off, No ifs ands or butts, Do more weight training workouts. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be.  Also, just because you are a girl, does not mean you don't have to workout Chest, Shoulders,  or arms! Your body is all intertwined and you need balance.

      SO many girls only have cardio as their exercise routine. It amuses me actually. I've heard some say that they don't  want to gain muscle because that doesn't look feminine or they just want to be toned. Well, reality check, to have a "tone" and "lean" body, that doesn't come from hours on the elliptical  you will only lose your butt and any kind of definition you have.

      Weight lifting is very very important. And let me tell you, to even get toned like the girls on the right, is hard work itself! Women do not gain muscle easy naturally. To get ripped like the girls on the left takes A LOT of hard work, it takes a LONG time and most likely there is some use of steroids of some sort. 

     So you are probably asking, how do I incorporate wight training, considering you have always avoided it. Instead of doing heavy weights and less reps, lift lighter weights (maybe 5's, 10's or 15's) and do lots of reps. ( 15 reps is good.) With this I PROMISE you will not get buff. If you start to enjoy your weight lifting then you can consider to start lifting heavier weight  (20, 25, maybe even 30 lbs.) and less reps (8 or 6 reps.) 


Contact me if you have any questions on my Contact Page! I would love to help. ( :


Don't Focus On the Scale!

​Kayla Rose November 13, 2012


       If you are first starting out on a healthy kick, let me remind you to not forget this is the only thing now a days that does not come quick. There is no magic pill, no magic answer, just time and being consistent.  

      I see a lot of first timers with their trainers or on their own, they start to lose a couple a pounds, but then a couple weeks into it, they gain back a pound or two.. It is seriously like the end of the world for them! They get discouraged, because they having been putting so much time and effort into this fitness thing, but then they get back on that scale and seem to lose all hope all because of the number on the scale. This is not bad! You are not doing anything wrong, you are doing everything right!

      This will happen to every person out there, because in the beginning you shed pounds pretty quick, but then a little ways into the cycle, you start to gain muscle while still losing  fat...muscle weighs more than fat! Stop looking at the numbers on the scale, that thing is Satanic! It can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. The thing you have to pay attention to is your BMI and body fat %, ask the gym to test it out for you or if you have an applicator of some sort.

      If you insist on looking on the scale for some odd reason after reading this, promise that you won't get discouraged and will  keep up the hard work that you have already put in, because I will promise you then that if you stick with it, those numbers will continue to drop, it's just a matter of time and if you are being true to your diet and exercise.


Do You Have Scoliosis?
Kayla Rose November 12, 2012


      If you answered yes, then can I ask you this..Does it ever affect you and your relationship with fitness or are you are a bit self conscious if it shows in a tight shirt? Do you ever say oh no, I can't excel in fitness because of my back, or because it may limit you from some exercises? Well I am here to tell you that I was there at one point with all these excuses flooding my mind, I let it have such power over me that for a long time, I never really progressed, just stayed in the same routine. I also let it become just an excuse to not have to work harder or push myself, it was the easy way out. And us humans look for those a lot.

      Now, I am here to tell you that this thought cycle needs to stop! I used to have excrusiating pains that no pain killer could help, but once I started working out, and going to Yoga, I can honestly say I haven't had one of those pains since! I swear by this. Having extra weight will only make it worse; you need to strengthen the muscles, and loosen them up to allow the spine to heal. Try to make it to Yoga at least two times a week, and this is for anyone, scoliosis or not, Yoga is such an important part to fitness, bodybuilding, whatever your goals.

      There are many reasons why I love fitness, and for the sake of my back is one of the main reasons! Exercise is the magic drug, for my brain and it's crazy emotions, my back and its thoracic curve, the list goes on and on. Don't let anything hold you back, the only thing that is holding you back from being the healthy beautiful person inside, is yourself! We all have our own issues, just take it as another challenge to conquer! 

    You may want to check with your doctor or physical therapist (not personal trainer) to help suggest things to avoid for your condition and certain exercises they may recommend! 

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